Close Protection Operative

Close Protection Operative

Life comes with many difficult choices. If you are planning on becoming a bodyguard, then watch out! You are about to make one of those difficult choices! Keep in mind that bodyguards vary greatly depending on roles, and it definitely is not easy to make a career out of it. While door supervision or non-personal security can seem like preferable options, you should really consider becoming the best close protection london or the UK has to offer if you truly wish to be a professional bodyguard.

Like all other jobs, being a close protection operative comes with numerous obstacles. Your basic responsibility will be to safeguard VIPs and authorial figureheads, like actors, musicians, politicians and even kings. Because their life essentially becomes yours to protect, keep in mind that this job requires your utmost effort. Before jumping to this line of work, ensure that you have the following qualities in check.


Training will be your life if you want to be a close protection agent. Obviously, you require specific close protection training, but having experience in a few other fields doesn't hurt. For example, military training can really help. Since close protection operatives are meant to protect individuals, a military background provides great insight when under a security threat. The harshness of military training can shape both the mind and body to be perfect for this job.

Quick Reflexes

A fraction of a second can determine the fine line between life and death. Thus, a close protection operative is always required to think ahead and react spontaneously in a matter of a moment. You must possess honed instincts or else, you won't survive in this line of work. Emergencies can occur anytime, so you cannot be hot-headed or panicked anytime. You must be cool, calculated, and decide the perfect solution before anyone else. Keep your eyes open, mind wary, and wits sharp if you are aiming to be a top close protection agent.

A Strong Body

Being a close protection agent is a physically strenuous work. As a matter of fact, it is expected for close protection operatives to always be at the peak of their physical condition. Chasing after the attackers, removing the unwanted presence, or even brawling when need be; requires a body with much strength, endurance, and stamina. You don't have to be a muscleman, just have a strong body with good agility. Unless you are someone who is physically fit and healthy, do not pursue a career in this profession.

Combat Experience

Pick up a form of martial arts if you want to be a close protection agent. It doesn't matter if you are a black belt or a trainee, just be sure that you know how to fight. It is best to learn barehanded combat before moving on to weapon mastery, since most of the times, you have to rely on your fists more than your gun. Being a close protection operative is equal to being a human shield. So make sure that this is one shield that can take hits as well as dish them out.

Weapon Experience

It is not mandatory for close protection operatives to carry a firearm, since most times they may not be allowed. However, just the mere presence of a gun can greatly contribute to handling a hostile situation. You should not have to shoot anyone, but of course, it may be needed. So, learn how to handle firearms in order to become a close protection operative.

Technologically Adept

Technology is everywhere, and the world revolves around computers. Close protection operatives are required to know the basic uses of a computer, or how to find a piece of information for the client. Since there may be security breaches in computer data as well, you should at how to respond to such a situation. There is no need to be a tech genius; just keep ahead of the times.

Driving Skills

This is obvious, but you need to know how to drive if you want to be a close protection agent. A legal driving license is mandatory, as a large portion of your job would be to take your client from one location to another. Since safety is a priority, escaping a hostile environment requires good driving skills as well. Also, don't just learn how to drive cars. Knowing how to drive motorbikes, boats, helicopters, etc. can come to use as well.

No matter what line of work you may end up choosing, be it a simple security guard or a rough and tough close protection operative, it is a fact that you need all the qualities that are mentioned above. You will find it quite difficult to land jobs in this field otherwise. In the UK, you will require an SIA License as well, so be wary of the requirements that you need to fulfill in order to achieve that. All in all, keep a strong and conscious mind, and do you best.

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